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Practice Tips:

Daily French


Using the sites below, integrate French audio, audio-visual, textual, and social materials into your quotidien.



France Culture, I have listened to interesting podcasts about Charles Baudelaire (there are tons of podcasts about him on France Culture), Louise Colet, and Victor Hugo. I also like the Compagnie des auteurs series. 


RFI [Radio France Internationale]: news in French 


Audio Cité: free audiobooks in French 


Littérature Audio: more audiobooks in French


*** A word of caution: I have downloaded a book or two from each site and have not had any problems, but I still worry about adding malware to my computer when I save anything from the internet.




[and some songs you can find on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, etc.]


Coeur de Pirate: "T'es belle,” “Ava”

Indalia: “Dernière danse," "Comme un bateau"

Pomme: “Pauline”

Chloé Stafler:  “Despacito” 

Loïc Nottet: “Mr/Mme”

Stromae: “Papaouti,” "Cancer"

BB Brunes: “Dis-moi”

Barbara Pravi: “Voilà,” "Louis"

Edith Piaf: “La vie en rose,” “Je ne regrette rien”



A playlist from the program with which I studied in Strasbourg


A 555-song playlist from Talk in French 


Music videos/Clips officiels


Children’s songs [chansons pour enfants] for basic vocab

Etienne (Educorock) is a French teacher who turns grammar into song; see this one for an introduction.

The musicians [chanteurs/euses] listed above




France 24


Culture Prime




Qu’est-ce qu’on lit?

Culture – Audio Books – LivresAudios


YouTubers and Performances/Spectacles


Damon and Jo: travelers and polyglots

Lindsay Williams: Lindsay does Languages

Sebastian Marx: an American comedian in France

Hugo Tout Seul: a comedian

Montreux Comedy (** may be vulgar **)

750g: a cooking channel

Parlez-vous FRENCH: pronunciation, grammar, idioms



TED Talks


I don’t know if there’s a more effective way to search for French-language talks other than by location (Paris, Nantes, Marseille). 

Here are a few to start, then the suggestions will lead to more:


Savoir penser 

​Rien ne nous arrive par hasard

​Devenir pleinement soi-même

​And a few others




Streaming services, like Amazon and Netflix, have French-language films. You can search by country filmed or language of film.


Kanopy: documentaries and movies free with many library cards (municipal and university)

​RFI web documentaries 

​List of TV sources

Fluent U suggested French films

Here are some films I have watched


​For news about “le paysage audiovisuel,” check Media America (in French).





Not Poetry


French cultural reviews (some archived reviews at the bottom)


Youscribe: books translated into French and French-language books


On Kindle, look for Arvensa Editions and Folio, which tend to be reasonably priced.


Le Monde (center-left), l'Humanité (left lean), La Croix (Catholic lean), and additional newspapers provide contemporary vocab and keep you informed on matters that French people discuss.


Check out books I've read here.



Poetica is good for searching poems by theme


Poésie is  better for searching poems by author or nationality


Les Fleurs du Mal (Baudelaire) with several English translations for each poem


Five poems that a French person would know, according to France Culture


I recommend Apollinaire's "Les Fenêtres" and Joy Arjo's "Peut-être le monde commence ici" [I first heard this poem in French].





News sources

@BBCWorld for international news

@FrancofilUK, Francofil: for scholars of French/Francophone studies

@HFranceWebsite, H-France: for historians with French/Francophone interests

@FrHistNw, French History Network: similar to H-France

@baudelaireproj, The Baudelaire Project: research on song versions of Baudelaire’s poems

@ONU_fr, the UN in French

@RFI, the French radio station

@GoogleFR, Google in French


Political parties and politicians

@gouvernementFR, French government

@Senat, Sénat

@AssembleeNat, Assemblée nationale

@Elysee, Élysée

@EmmanuelMacron, president of France

@Enmarchefr, En Marche: the party of the current president

@Anne_Hidalgo, mayor of Paris

@Amisdelaterre, Amis de la Terre FR : an environmental group


Causes/organizations related to your interests

@SOS_Racisme is a popular anti-racism organization


Even local accounts, if you're studying abroad, can help you find events and ways to connect with the community. When I studied in Strasbourg, I began to follow @BNUStrasbourg (the National and University Library of Strasbourg). Before [and after] going to France, I was following singers like Coeur de Pirate (@beatricepirate). 




Learn French with Talk in French

Oui in France

The Petite Bijou

Lindsay does Languages


Me: Wiederev3


** These suggestions are accounts that I follow. To maximize your French immersion, find accounts related to your interests and location.



For learning French

@lawlessfrench, Lawless French

@frenchwords, French Words

@talkinfrench, Talk in French

@myfrenchytips, Learn French Everyday!

@Super_france, Discover France: pictures of France


For updates on French life

@franceintheus, France Embassy [Facebook too]

@lemondefr, Le Monde

@artefr, ARTE: a Franco-German TV Station


People and places

@joycejonathan, singer

@chloestafler, singer

@beatricepirate, Cœur de Pirate: singer

@azzed, French blogger

@humans_ofparis, Humans of Paris [Facebook]

@humansofstrasbourg1, Humans of Strasbourg [Facebook]

@BNUStrasbourg [Facebook]




Updates on French/European life

Le HuffPost: some sensational, some informative headlines

European Parliament


Causes and organizations

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

Mouvement Ni Putes Ni Soumises

Collective Contre L’Islamophobie en France


Local groups (mostly Strasbourg)

Bibliothèque nationale et universitiare – BNU [I also follow the municipal library of Aix-en-Provence because I interned there: Bibliothèque Méjanes]

Art Puissance Art

Musiques Éclatées

L’Industrie Magnifique

Strasbourg Culture

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg

Strasbourg en Alsace


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