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Research Tips: 

Digitized Materials


Encyclopédie Universalis: I think of it as the French-language, academic Wikipedia. I relied on it for my undergraduate theses but could only access it while I was an intern at the BNU. Sometimes you can gather sufficient information outside of the paywall.


Gallica: the platform of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (la BnF). You can find the Mercure de France and the Journal official de la République française [JO] here.


Numistral: the digital archive [patrimoine numérisé] for the Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire (la BNU, Strasbourg), which is the regional depository for Alsace. I imagine other regional libraries have similar platforms because libraries and special collections increasingly put materials online. A quick search showed me the Jules Verne Collection on the Nantes municipal library website.


Yale’s library features materials ranging from modern art to 13th-century paintings as well as texts in several languages. I found this database while looking for André Breton’s speech “Situation du surréalisme entre les deux guerres.”  Yale’s library also has a list of French web resources that serves as a great starting point. 


The Library of Congress has documents pertaining to Franco-U.S. relations. I used it while researching French and American views on the Statue of Liberty.


Museums also have great information on their websites. I often use the MoMA online search to confirm dates of paintings or view a certain artist’s work. MoMA gives short biographies too; see the Dalí one for an example.




Medieval manuscripts (700-1200) in French and in English 


Franco-Sino relations from the BnF Patrimoines Partagés


Marguerite de Navarre (1492-1549) 


French Revolution Archive 


The International Dada Archive, from the University of Iowa, offers great introductions to Dadaists and contains primary documents. You can also find international sources from the UI website 


ARTFL has a list of other databases, which require subscriptions


Check your university and municipal libraries for printed material. They can help with interlibrary loan too!

Search JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and your other go-to databases

in French.



Voice of the Shuttle- Literatures Other than English


Project Gutenberg contains books and shorter texts in html form, facilitating word searches (ctrl + F). You can browse French-language books. I referenced those by Mme. Dufrénoy


HathiTrust Digital Library- the featured collections give a better sense of the website’s offerings. I have used this website for Poésies complètes, Louise Colet. 


Kindle- search Arvensa Editions for less-than-$3 Oeuvres complètes


Poetica arranges popular poems thematically


Poésie is best for searching poems by authors




Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)

Digital library 

Arcana Coelestia

Comments by Emerson

William Blake, Jacob's Dream  


Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918)

L’esprit nouveau et les poètes

Les Mamelles de Tiresias (drame surréaliste)

Getty images of Apollinaire 



Digitized pages of 391, Picabia’s literary and arts magazine

Marius de Zayas works on

The University of Iowa, Dada Archive



André Breton  


Melusine links to other Surrealist resources and reviews, such as 


La Révolution surréaliste 

Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution


Dada Cabaret Voltaire, UI.jpg

Cover from 15 May 1916

International Dada Archive, accessed 23 June 2019,

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