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a bit about me:

As an aspiring professor of French language and culture, I organized this website to highlight my professional experience and to share resources. My interests include 20th-century French literature/cinema, Surrealism, and feminism. See my 3-Minute Thesis below for a sample of my work.



Since my first French class in 2010, I have bookmarked many websites about language learning. My collection has evolved with my curiosity, increasingly focusing on avant-garde movements in France. Websites pertaining to that research are in the tips section, which also contains resources for practicing French.


As I research, I create visual aids for myself. Projects contains some of those graphics as well as ways I have engaged with French poetry. I hope this selection inspires you to explore foreign literature!


I describe my projects in the résumé section. My LinkedIn profile features more of my work and longer abstracts.


Don't hesitate to contact me.


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